
Version Version: 0.1.0

Maintainer Maintainer: Gerit Wagner

Licencse License: MIT

Git repository Repository: CoLRev-Environment/colrev






colrev dedupe --add colrev.dedupe


BibDedupe is an open-source Python library for deduplication of bibliographic records, tailored for literature reviews. Unlike traditional deduplication methods, BibDedupe focuses on entity resolution, linking duplicate records instead of simply deleting them.



  • Automated Duplicate Linking with Zero False Positives: BibDedupe automates the duplicate linking process with a focus on eliminating false positives.

  • Preprocessing Approach: BibDedupe uses a preprocessing approach that reflects the unique error generation process in academic databases, such as author re-formatting, journal abbreviation or translations.

  • Entity Resolution: BibDedupe does not simply delete duplicates, but it links duplicates to resolve the entitity and integrates the data. This allows for validation, and undo operations.

  • Programmatic Access: BibDedupe is designed for seamless integration into existing research workflows, providing programmatic access for easy incorporation into scripts and applications.

  • Transparent and Reproducible Rules: BibDedupe’s blocking and matching rules are transparent and easily reproducible to promote reproducibility in deduplication processes.

  • Continuous Benchmarking: Continuous integration tests running on GitHub Actions ensure ongoing benchmarking, maintaining the library’s reliability and performance across datasets.

  • Efficient and Parallel Computation: BibDedupe implements computations efficiently and in parallel, using appropriate data structures and functions for optimal performance.


The bib-dedupe package is the default deduplication module for CoLRev. It is activated by default and is responsible for removing duplicate entries in the data.


        author  = {Wagner, Gerit},
        doi     = {10.21105/joss.06318},
        journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
        month   = may,
        number  = {97},
        pages   = {6318},
        title   = {{BibDedupe: An Open-Source Python Library for Bibliographic Record Deduplication}},
        url     = {},
        volume  = {9},
        year    = {2024}