colrev screenΒΆ

In the colrev screen operation, records transition from pdf_prepared to rev_included or rev_excluded. Decisions on individual screening criteria (if any) are reported in the screening_criteria field. The order of screening is defined in the settings file. Typically, automated screening packages are applied first, followed by manual screening.

The selection of screening criteria is recorded when initializing the screen.

    colrev screen [options]

# Add the abstracts from the PDF files (the TEIs generated by GROBID)
colrev screen --add_abstracts_from_tei

# Include all papers
colrev screen --include_all

# Splits the screen between n researchers. Simply share the output with the researchers and ask them to run the commands in their local CoLRev project.
colrev screen --create_split INT

# Complete the screen for the specified split.
colrev screen --split STR

The following options for screen are available:


Screen packages



Screen (CLI) (instructions)



Screen Table (instructions)