Install GitHub Codespaces

A short introduction video into GitHub Codespaces: How to use GitHub Codespaces for Coding and Data Science

Prerequisites for web-based usage:

  • GitHub Account

  • Firefox or Chromium-based Browser

Setup Codespaces here:

  • Click: Get started for free

  • Click: New codespace

  • Click: Select a repository

  • Enter: colrev

  • Select: ColRev-Environment/colrev

  • Leave the rest on default settings (Branch: main; Region: Europe West; Machine type 2-core)

  • Uncheck “Auto-delete codespace” in “…” menu

  • Let “GitHub Codespaces configuration” do some initial setup (happens automatically)

While on “@username ➜ /workspaces/colrev (main) $” the installation of CoLRev in editable mode and pre-commit hooks are started automatically. This may take several minutes to complete.

[Optional, recommended] For local usage also required:

  • Install Visual Studio Code available for Windows, Linux and macOS (download)

  • Short intro to “Git Graph” extension for VSCode (only for local installation of VSCode, web-based view does not work/stays blank)

[Optional, recommended] Update your git credentials:

git config --global "Lisa Smith"
git config --global ""
git config --global credential.helper store

[Optional] Add additional repos to current workspace and Git Graph:

# In local VSCode setup click on "File" (top left menu)-> "Add Folder To Workspace..." -> enter absolute path to git repository
# The newly added repo will be visible in Git Graph "Repo" drop-down menu
# If the workspace settings is not saved, newly added repositories will not persist in Git Graph

[Optional] Navigation in the terminal, open and edit text files:

# navigate with
# open any text files directly in VSCode
code mytextfile.txt
# or in the terminal window with nano or vim
nano mytextfile2.txt
vim mytextfile3.txt

[Optional, diagnostics] Check if everything is setup correctly:

# check if $PATH variable is correctly setup
echo $PATH | grep :/home/codespace/.local/bin:
# print effective user name
# print system information (kernel and distro version)
uname -a
# check docker functionality with docker-image "hello-world"
docker run hello-world
# print the git user name, user email and credential helper
git config
git config
git config credential.helper

[Optional] Create a SSH key pair and register the public key at Github (steps).